I caught the mosaic bug about 15 years ago, who knew where it would lead me! It is such a unique art form, so many variations and personalities. Through trial, and many errors, I did develop my own style. I have chosen the colorful and beautiful talavera tiles as my medium for my artwork. I love how they make my mosaics glow with movement and brilliance, especially the pieces that hang outdoors. I like interpreting all facets of life around us, especially from the garden. I’ve also have so much fun with the Dias de los Muertos pieces, talk about personality!
Part of my mosaic life is creating artwork for others. I’m always so impressed of how creativity is so different in every person. I’ve made some interesting and beautiful pieces, from 5 foot Gila monsters, to stunning designs for fireplaces and outdoor living spaces.
My artwork is such a dear part of my life. I’ve met so many wonderful people through it and look forward to where else it will lead me. All would not have been possible without my biggest fan, my talented and supportive husband. We make a great team!

Chello Chavez